Exams, Procrastination and Snapchat

So at the moment i’m amidst my mid-year exams for university and its going…shit. I’m studying physiotherapy and boy it is tough work. After finishing year 12 last year and going through exams and everything, i didn’t really prepare myself for the fact that i was going to be doing it all over again, and harder, for the next four years!

After studying and studying for these 6 exams i have to take, i’ve rediscovered..yes RE-discovered, that i am a master of procrastination. But i think all teens at the moment are pretty good at that, what with endless social media which we can spend hours looking at nothing (facebook), see our friends have lovely-looking food and holidays (instagram), watching some entertaining short videos which then turn into multiple videos which then turn into hours wasted on youtube, or, my biggest procrastination tool; Snapchat.

I have to say, Snapchat is my favourite social media and procrastination tool. I have to say i’m a bit of an artist. I can lipsync and act out ANY song on my itunes, turn myself into ANY-thing, and can waste away mANY a minute on this wonderful app! But anyway, it is fucking dangerous! today is sat at my desk for 3 hours, sent about 10 minutes worth of snapchat video over that time and got about half an hour’s worth of work, and by work i mean highlighting the “key” (most of my page) points of my notes. But now, i have more work to do tonight, which will make me more stressed than i already was as i will probably, again, procrastinate the night away.

So that’s just my thought process of today, and i really hope someone else has this problem as well? X


My First Blog Post

Hello the internet. First of all, i think you all need to know a little bit about me and what this blog is going to develop into. I, like some of you, am a teenager growing up in 2014. I live in Australia and enjoy spending time with friends, going to the beach…going to parties, exercising and playing sport. This blog will probably just be a random flurry of words which i want to express at that time. For example on life, pop culture, nutrition, sport, fashion etc. A bit of everything!

So stay tuned! X